Monday, March 9, 2009

Knocking down the extension

This is what knocking down old walls is like... hard to do, but it has to be done. This was my family home, and the idea of knocking down walls that we once lived in is quite hard. These are the rooms that we used to live in. I suppose it is about creating a new place to live, apart from the past.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is what my architect has designed for the interior... my architect is called Fergal O'Dowd, and he's based in Galway. The thing that's good about architects is that they help you to visulalise your plans. The photo below was created by a designer in India, from the plans my architect designed. This way, you can easily see the routes between the rooms, and you can make changes before going too far into the building process.
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Still at it. Struggling to get things done in this economy! However, it means that things are cheaper. I've been told by others that things are coming down in price considerably! The price of insulation, windows, doors and many other everyday items are coming down in price, due to the builders providers need to sell more, and become less greedy. As soon as more money comes in, I'm going to start buying more things....